After looking at gender and the gaze in college and how it was mainly focused on art /fine art I decided to look into videogames and how women are perceived in Tekken tag 2 (the most up to date Tekken) in Tekken most of the female characters are dressed inappropriately this is clearly down to the marketing for a male audience also nearly all the female characters are lost in the storyline or looking for something this helps the male character to stand out to rescue the female characters to make them seem weak and vulnerable in the game there are no big bulky or butch women whatsoever they are all small and petite and agile.
Also the noises of a hit in the game all the women's reactions or voices are incredibly over the top and incredibly exaggerated for female tone, most of the time this is completely unnecessary.
There is one character in the game called Leo nobody knows if this is a boy or a girl the way the developers have made the character is either a pretty boy or a masculine woman I don't know why they felt the need to put a character like this in the game maybe to balance out the female audience for the game so they don't always have to play is big strong man or really petite agile women maybe just to meet them in between somewhere.
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